How To Be a Witness the Way Jesus Intended

As a disciple of Christ, does your life exemplify the life of Jesus, or are you living in a way that feels safe and natural?

Here at Liberty Church NYC, we believe that if there is a revolution in the church, we will see revival in the city. But what is the purpose of the church, and why should we go?

Most would say that church is about the corporate gathering, featuring moving worship and fellowship. Others would express that its purpose is to enlighten Christ’s disciples through sound teaching and understanding God’s word. And while these things are a part of the answer, it’s not exactly what God intended.

So together, let's explore what God intended for His church and how we can be witnesses who follow Jesus’ example.

The Church How God Intended It To Be

Unfortunately, most of those within the church live in such a way that accepts and ushers in God’s Spirit on Sunday, but as soon as service is over, it is back to everyday life. However, I believe God longs for His people to experience a rebirth in Him.


What if we prayed a little more every day?

What would happen if we traded an episode of our favorite show for more time with God?

What if we dedicated time once a month to serve in a missional way, showing the world how God is making an impact in our lives?

What if we opened our eyes and hearts to those who are lost and invited them in?

God Intends the Lost to Be a Priority

From when Jesus showed up and started his ministry to when he died and ascended into heaven, his mission was always to seek and save the lost. (Luke 19:20)

Perhaps you are asking, “What does it mean to be lost? I know exactly where I am and where I am going.” I believe when Jesus refers to the lost; he implies they are looking for something that can’t be found.

It's possible you have been searching for your meaning and purpose in life and feel as confused as you did when you began looking.

Maybe you have engaged in many relationships, looking for true love, only to experience less than that.

Perhaps you have been struggling with the lack of progress in your life, and after reading every book and trying every program to better yourself, you feel relentlessly stuck in the very place you're trying to escape.

Can I encourage you? When Jesus shows up, he promises to give you the life you have been looking for.

An Unfailing, Powerful Love

I have always felt indifferent about having children, and after I married my wife, I found out very quickly that she was reading from a different script. Jasmine was resolute that she would be a mother.

After we had been married for a while, she told me she was ready to start our family. At that time, I agreed, but first, there were some things on my bucket list I wanted to accomplish. I wanted to go skydiving (even though I have a fear of heights), buy a Rolex (on a pastor’s salary), and live my best life in Paris for two glorious weeks. Well, of all the nonsense items on my list, the trip to Paris did happen, and nine months later, my wife would give birth to my son.

For someone who was very unenthusiastic about having children, the moment I heard my child cry for the first time changed everything. It was as if my heart exploded, and there was nothing I wouldn’t do for him.

This relentless love was only a small fraction of how God feels about us, His beloved.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.”

John 3:16-17, NIV

Can you imagine a God who loves so perfectly and infinitely that He gives away His only Son because He loves you and me?

You are loved beyond measure (Ephesians 3:17). He loved you so much that when sin separated us from Him, He created a way to be reconciled to Him. Through His son, Jesus, we were returned to His heart to experience the everlasting life he always wanted to give.

God Intends Disciples to Make Disciples

After Jesus’ death and resurrection, he left important instructions with his disciples.

“Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.’” 

Matthew 28:18-19, NIV

Jesus is encouraging his disciples to continue the work he was doing – miracles, healing, preaching, and sharing the life of Jesus wherever they would go. After all, there is abundant purpose, progress, and meaning found in the blood of the Son. 

*For more on the discipleship of Jesus, watch Pastor Stephen’s sermon entitled: We Make Disciples of Nations and Generations.

God Intends Us to Be a Witness

The final words of Jesus in Matthew 28 commanded us to be a witness of what God wants to do through His love for each and every person.

Acts 1:8, NIV says, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

If you are a follower of Christ, your life should be a living witness that declares that Jesus is for everyone and Jesus changes everything.

It doesn’t matter who you are or what you’ve done; if Jesus is with you, he is for you. And to be in a relationship with him will change your life from the inside out.

While this is a beautiful thing, there is also a tension. Even though many of us have said yes to Jesus and his unconditional love, there may still be a level of confidentiality in how we practice.

A recent psychological study shared a social phenomenon of the idea that the more secular and progressive the culture became, the less religious or spiritual people would become. However, I don’t believe this is quite the case where Christianity is involved.

We live in a society where many people have no problem sharing about their relationship details, the parties they attend, or even where to find the best weed dispensaries. But the second you talk about religion, things get uncomfortable.

So, how can we be witnesses to a world that is impartial in talking about Jesus?

3 Ways To Be a Witness How Jesus Intended

Throughout Jesus’ life, he teaches us how to be a witness to the world. Let’s look at three ways we can be living examples of Christ.

1.    Witness Through Your Testimony

“They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.”

Revelation 12:11a, NIV

The power of a testimony is incredible. It declares the power of a God who loves unconditionally. As we share with others how God has shown up in our trials and challenges, it sparks hope and faith that God will also show up for them. 

Who in your life will you share your testimony with?

2.    Witness Through Being a Peacemaker

“’A new commandment I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you much love one another. By this everyone will know you are my disciples, if you love one another.’”

John 13:34-35, NIV

We look most like Jesus when we love one another. And extending the love of Christ also brings with it the peace of God. In fact, being a peacemaker isn’t about maintaining calmness when things are rocky; a peacemaker makes space for shalom when there isn’t wholeness.

Is there a circumstance in your life where you could usher in the shalom of Christ?

3.    Witness With Holy Spirit Power

“’But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.’”

Acts 1:8, NIV

There is power in partnering with the Holy Spirit. God doesn’t just ask us to share the gospel and hope we can achieve great results. When we share Jesus with those around us, God is already working.

What a relief to know that the pressure is off and that the God of the universe is inviting us to witness alongside Him! For it is only He that can change situations, hearts, and lives through His Son Jesus.

Holy Spirit, give us the eyes to see and the ears to hear where you might be working so we can work there, too. Help us surrender our pride and ability and cling to the cross as we love the world in the same way Your Son did. We give you our hearts, our hands, and our feet as our lives are a living witness of your power, sovereignty, and love. Amen.


For more on partnering with God, check out Pastor Stephen’s sermon, How to Be a Witness the Way Jesus Intended.


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