Weekly (Digital) House of Prayer

“[Jesus] said, “Is it not written: ‘My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations?’” -Mark 11:17 NASB


A prayer for our nation as we head into Election Day tomorrow:

(Spoken by Pastor David Mazzella on Sunday, 11/3/24, during our 10:45 AM service)

Lord, we thank You.

We thank You for Your love for us. We thank You for Your grace. We thank You that You are in control.

God, we stand here not as a Democratic church or a Republican church, but as a Christ-centered church. We are one family of natural-born enemies who You have brought together to live together and to work together for Your message of love and grace.

God, we pray for our nation. We stand together and we pray for America. We pray for New York City.

And Lord, we pray that You would bring peace where there seems to be no peace. We pray that You will do the impossible.

We pray that Your will would be done in this election.

God, give us eyes to see, wisdom of how we can be a light, how we can respond in grace, love and truth in this. We pray that You would use this [election] for Your glory. We pray that You would turn this nation toward You. And we pray that one by one, our friends, coworkers, families, and us too—that we would look to You for hope and direction.

God, we pray for our leaders, as You have called us. We pray for everyone who is running for election on tomorrow and, God, we pray for everyone who is already elected. Lord, we pray that Your would turn their hearts toward You.

Lord, wherever they are right now, may [our leaders] sense Your presence. Whether they have the words for it or not, may they palpably sense Your presence with them in this moment. May You save and strengthen them, and God, we pray that You will turn their hearts and minds toward You. We pray that You work in their lives. And we pray for safety over our nation.

God, we pray that You bring unity where it seems impossible.

God wecpray that You would use us — Your church. Strenghten us, oh Lord. Bring us together, let nothing divide us, and let us keep our eyes on You, the Author and Protector of our faith.

Lord, we love You. We trust You. We thank You.

We pray all these things in Your name, according to Your will. May

Your kingdom advance on this earth.


Rosey Jones

Rosey is a twenty-something grad from Messiah University where she studied Creative Writing and Communication. She’s been attending Liberty for over 2 years now, first at the Brooklyn Music School and now at Liberty’s permanent home at 55 Broadway. Make sure to say “hey” if you see her on Sundays at 10:45!


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