Hearing the Voice of God in Prayer
Often, too many Christians are experiencing a lack of God’s sovereign power. We have heard every sermon, memorized every worship song, and solidified every spiritual practice down pat, but still, our faith lacks the transformation from within.
So what are we missing?
How to Pray Effective Prayers
I often wonder if the disciples had a similar human experience when witnessing the miraculous results of Jesus’ prayers.
Did they believe instantly, or, like most of us, did they struggle with the reality of doubt in the possibility of an answer?
Luke 11:1, in the NIV, says, “One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, ‘Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.’”
And in His response, Jesus reminds us that it is not about a magic blueprint to get what you want from God, but rather perspective and mindsets of when and how you pray that usher in encounters with God.