The Authority of Jesus and 3 Ways We Can Increase Our Awe of Him
When was the last time you felt under the weather?
Recently, I became the victim of a cold that came out of nowhere. One minute, I was talking, and a few hours later, my voice was gone. Bewildered and in awe, I did what any normal human would do in today’s culture: I asked Web M.D. Not only did my search results relay that I probably had a cold, Covid… or cancer, but it produced many at-home prescriptive remedies that could bring comfort.
We live in a time where I am grateful for doctors, modern medicine, and people who are working diligently to find cures for diseases that are running rampant. But did you know Jesus heals in a way that cannot be prescribed?
Jesus is a healer not because he is an expert in the medical field but because he has authority over every living and non-living thing. When he commanded sickness to leave, dead bodies to rise, and waves to be still, they obeyed.
Jesus: The Ultimate Authority
Throughout the New Testament, Jesus gives the world glimpses of who he is and what his purpose is on earth.
In Luke 4:18-19, Jesus says, “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”
While his teachings and miracles were rejected by many in his hometown (Mark 2:3-4), it is here that Jesus reveals his authority to preach the kingdom of heaven and deliver freedom to those held in bondage from various chains and illnesses.
The prophecy of Isaiah 61 is now coming to pass before the world through authoritative teachings (Luke 4:31-32) and would soon reveal his authoritative power in a more tangible way.
Authority Over Darkness
One of Jesus’ first healings after his baptism wasn’t that of the common cold; it was of a man possessed by an evil spirit.
“In the synagogue there was a man possessed by a demon, an impure spirit. He cried out at the top of his voice, ‘Go away! What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are – the Holy One of God!’ ‘Be quiet!’ Jesus said sternly. ‘Come out of him!’ Then the demon threw the man down before them all and came out without injuring him. All the people were amazed and said to each other, ‘What words these are! With authority and power he gives orders to impure spirits and they come out!’”
Luke 4:33-36, NIV
It can be easy for us to look at this passage and consider this man mentally unwell rather than possessed by a demon. I would argue that we live in an age where it seems uncommon for a person to be possessed. However, our lack of experience with something does not make it any less real or powerful.
Power in the Name of Jesus
One of my mentors, Mark Clark, came to know Jesus by way of a convincing argument. While studying Christianity, he felt the historical accuracy of Jesus and his means of saving humanity made the most sense, so he decided to give his life to Jesus and is now a pastor. Because of his black-and-white view of Christianity, he never dappled in supernatural practices until something happened that changed his view on the tangible authority of Jesus.
After moving into a new house with his wife and two children, Mark quickly realized that something was wrong with the house. Mark would wake up every night at 2 AM with an intense feeling that someone was in his home. (There were even instances where he heard furniture moving.) However, he kept it to himself because surely there was a logical explanation.
Meeting a fellow pastor for coffee, the man looks at him across the table and, out of the blue, asks, “How do you like your new house?” Mark responds, “My house is fine. What would make you ask that?” Then the pastor leans over and asks, “Do you want to know where the demons are?” So the pastor grabs a pen and a napkin and, having never seen Mark’s house, begins to draw the layout of his home. He points out where the demons are and informs Mark that they were invited at one time, and he needs to get them out.
Mark went home and, with the help of the Holy Spirit and the mighty, authoritative name of Jesus, commanded the demons to leave, and they did.
Faith in Jesus’ Authority
Immediately after Jesus healed the man in the synagogue of his demon, Jesus left to see Simon’s mother-in-law, who was suffering from a high fever.
“Jesus left the synagogue and went to the home of Simon. Now Simon’s mother-in-law was suffering from a high fever, and they asked Jesus to help her. So he bent over her and rebuked the fever, and it left her. She got up at once and began to wait on them. At sunset, the people brought to Jesus all who had various kinds of sickness, and laying his hands on each one, he healed them. Moreover, demons came out of many people, shouting, ‘You are the Son of God!’ But he rebuked them.”
Luke 4:38-41a, NIV
What was it that made Jesus underqualified in one town (Mark 2) but have undeniable authority in the next?
The clear distinction here is that those in his hometown rejected his authority, while in places outside of Nazareth, it was embraced and believed. Church, there is a correlation between the authority that God has in your life and the healing you can experience.
Hebrews 11:6, NIV says, “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.”
Now, let me be clear: I am not saying that if you believe in God wholeheartedly, you will get everything you want. He still has a plan, and His ways are still higher than ours, but God has an authority that can bring breakthrough when our faith is rooted in Him.
The Choice of Faith or Rejection
The lack of faith of those in his hometown didn’t limit Jesus’ power; he withheld it.
“‘A prophet is not without honor except in his own town, among his relatives, and in his own home.’ He could not do any miracles there, except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them. He was amazed at their lack of faith.”
Mark 6:4-6, NIV
Jon Tyson, pastor of Church of the City of New York, said:
“God will bypass 1,000 lukewarm hearts to ignite the one heart that desires him.”
Because of the Father’s great love for us, He offers each of us a choice. Similarly, Jesus will not force a blessing on anyone; if you don’t want it, you won't get it.
But here is the good news: if you choose Jesus, he will come near (James 4:8). He strengthens those who are committed to him (2 Chronicles 16:9), and he longs to do more in your life than you could ever think or imagine. The question at hand is: have you given him the authority that He deserves?
Understanding God’s Authority
The authority of God is easier to grasp when we foster an authentic awe of Him. This awe, sometimes described as the fear of the Lord, is found in respect and adoration toward God.
A wise person once told me that the fear of the Lord is like the fear of the sun. I would assume you are not afraid of the sun; however, I am confident that for your safety and health, you would never stare at it. To have a fear of the sun is to recognize its power, so how much more should we respect and fear God, who created that very sun?
We often short God on the awe and respect He deserves. I believe it isn’t because we don’t respect His authority but that He isn’t a priority.
Together, let’s look at two enemies that hinder us from keeping God’s precedence in our lives.
Enemies That Fight the Awe and Authority of God
Familiarity: The Greatest Blessing with the Gravest Danger
There is a term in the art world called artistic energy. This is when you observe a piece of art for the first time, and as a result, you are in awe. However, the more you see it over time, the more you stop noticing its beauty.
Familiarity is a good thing. Familiarity with Jesus should bring confidence because he is the same yesterday, today, and all the days to come. His character is always consistent, so we can stand in confidence.
But there is another version of familiarity where God becomes so routine that He no longer becomes the height of our pursuits. We claim God is the Lord of our lives but are more interested in things outside Him while grasping for the good things He has shown us.
Distraction: The Greatest Weapon You’ll Never Notice
Sometimes, the devil’s greatest attempt at distracting us is to give us something, either good or bad, that takes the place of God.
We find distraction in our busyness at work, the increase in our bank accounts, and late-night social plans with our friends. However, there are spiritual forces at work in our lives as well. They come in the forms of fear, anxiety, depression, and other things that take hold of us. And far too often, these things distract us from fully seeing God.
I believe God wants many great things for your life, and you are getting in your own way. For God to move in our lives, allowing us to experience the fullness of who He is, we need to increase our awe of Him and allow Him to have authority in our lives.
3 Ways to Increase the Awe of God in Our Lives
Hunger For God
When we hunger for God, not only do we draw near to Him, but we can see Him clearly, encountering His work in our midst. One way we can strengthen our hunger is through daily quiet times with Him. As we pray and meditate on God’s word, our hearts become in tune with His, preparing us for the day ahead.
Community With Others
Jesus could have said, “I don’t need anyone. I have God as my Father and the Holy Spirit as my companion. I can do life by myself.” Yet, he entered into community with others.
There is a version of God you will only see when you engage with a community of other believers. Through this space, we see the trials of life and the goodness of God, and it is here that we encourage one another to keep moving forward.
Trusting God
Trust can be challenging, especially when all you see are the downfalls of life. Is there a situation where you have exhausted all other options and have nothing left? Give it to God. If you are looking for breakthrough, this is where God does His best work. Seek Him and ask Him to show you the way. He cares for you, He loves you, and He will show up.
Can I encourage you? Whatever is happening in your life that seems to have a hold over you, the authority of Jesus is greater; all you have to do is ask.
For more on the authority of Jesus, check out Pastor Stephen’s sermon, Jesus: The Healer.